I have a love for the great outdoors and nature, which I feel comes through in my approach to giving an treatment, being simplistic and natural. I believe healing comes from within. I have a passion in connecting with people, therefore I will always listen and respond to what you say and what your body is saying. When giving treatments I trust my instincts when giving feedback. Otherwise known as my intuition, which is often referred to as ‘your inner tutor and will show you the way’. I bring lightness and laughter to my work, along with deep nurturing care and attention. It is said that I have a down to earth personality and like to make you feel comfortable and relaxed before a treatment. End result ‘ walking on air’.
If you answer YES to any of the following...
Joint, muscle pain or inflammation?
Stressed, nervous or hyperactive?
Insomnia, poor memory, lack of concentration or constant fatigue?
Recurring infections, allergies, sinus congestion, stomach pains or puffy eyes?
Poor circulation or cold limbs?
Headaches or migraine attacks?
Overall lack of energy?
These symptoms are signals from our body that some energy is trapped within and needs releasing. As a result our body systems are not working at their full potential or as we say: "We are not firing on all cylinders!"
We could all do with some rejuvenation. Imagine how you would feel if you could unlock your energy and let it flow throughout your body...
I personally have found holistic treatments extremely effective. I had a course of treatments in reflexology which literally ‘blew me away’ as I experienced amazing results. This I wished to pass on and now strive to help others for numerous health related issues. Now I get great satisfaction from seeing the encouraging effects that alternative therapies can have on other people. Don’t take my word for it! The client testimonials will give you an insight of what can be achieved and how powerful complementary therapies can be!